tisdag 22 april 2008

Ambition verses stress

Positive, happy and above all ambitious is how people probably would describe me if they were asked to.
Well, I might disagree with the first two sometimes, but being ambitious is no longer only a description, it’s a part of who I am.
Ambition is, of course, not the issue here. My main problem is, actually, the stress that comes along with it. Not to mention that it is even having a bad influence on my social life.

The problem is, as you notice, addressed to my self.

I think the reason behind all this trouble is that I am dead-line-person. It would be much easier if I just spent an hour each and every day doing my homework and not leaving it to pile up. Doing things gradually is a better way of putting it.

Another reason that causes this stress is that I want to achieve all my goals, both short-term and long-term, within a not so very reasonable period.

Awareness is the first step in problem solving; therefore, I think that I am at least heading toward the right direction.
Although it is easier to write about the problem than tackling it, I found it to my relief to be able to discuss it.

lördag 12 april 2008


Why a listmania?

A relatively new trend has grown to a great extent and is taking a bigger part of our lifes for every day that passes by.
It appears almost everywhere, in bookshops, on TV and it is even among the top Google search results. It relates to almost everything in our everyday life. Travel destinations, books, recipes etcetera. The obsession of writing lists, listmania.

Before presenting the many reasons behind this phenomenon, I would like to distinguish between two types of lists; the one people write for personal use and the one people write with intention of sharing with others.

The "personal use" type has an obvious reason and purpose, in my opinion. For most people the list works as a reminder of some kind and the items are not written in certain order.

Also, it is harder to set a clear point for the second, I think, ranking is the key. It is in human nature to compare and compete with others; therefore, ranking would have a strong influence on people.

Another reason is strictly commercial. A list is easy to remember and it captures our attention quickly.

Although, its fun to know what, for example, "the most beautiful places in the world" are, I personally like to be critical to any kind of information.
On the basis of that I draw my own conclusions